Morgan MacNeil is a PhD in Nursing candidate at Dalhousie University under the supervision of Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo. Morgan's studies are supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Award. Morgan's research area of interest is brain-based, biobehavioural and hormonal pain responses in infants with and at risk for intellectual disabilities, in comparison to neurotypical infants. Beyond investigating pain responses, Morgan hopes that her work will lead the way to having increased representation in health research for this equity deserving group. Outside of school, Morgan dedicates her time to running the Special Olympics FUNdamentals program in East Hants, teaching dance, spending time with her family, and caring for her Bernese Mountain dog, Teddy. While Morgan is grateful for every academic achievement and opportunity, her most prized accomplishment is working in a research field that will advance care for vulnerable populations, including her younger sister, who has Down syndrome.