The colourful RISE LMS logo with a tree graphic.

What is RISE?

RISE is an open-source platform to share and use learning tools, to develop the competencies of a skilled health professional researcher, while providing infrastructure for mentorship and progress review. It’s underlining goal is to become the ‘go to resource’ for scientist training in Canada.

For more information on RISE, please email

Orange building blocks, blue puzzle pieces and a green mouse image with more information about RISE LMS.

How will IMPaCT use RISE?

All IMPaCT curriculum will be available open-access (free!) on RISE to anyone who registers. We will use RISE to collect metrics on reviews of our modules and report on our reach. IMPaCT has partnered with other training platforms offering content on RISE to avoid duplication and promote harmonized multidisciplinary training across Canada.

IMPaCT salary awarded learners will use RISE to completed all training modules that they do as part of the program. These include both mandatory (or Core) modules and extended modules that trainees can choose from based on their research interests.